Green Forest Room All the room provide a private balcony teracce with local building which all the building same with thebuilding in the local area if you loking out from a private teracce with relaxing especially with your family will make your vocation very excited, all room service for 24 hours Your satisfied is our expectation. …
Green forest is the great place to stay and relaxing , offers bedroom and six standard room, with a private balcony teracce, located on the hill, and around the green forest, from the villa overlooking many beautiful view from above the hill like a nature, straoberry farm, and natural villages in sembalun,
Stay and relax with us at green forest
Room rate : Rp. 350.000/night/room/single or double including breakfast
High and peak season apply from June 15 to September 15 and December 01 to January 10 with additional surcharge Rp. 100.000/night/room